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It’s the 24th of November and that means the new concept album by Dutch progmetal storytellers Dreamwalkers Inc is out! The record entitled ‘The First Tragedy Of Klahera’ is now available on CD and digitally on Bandcamp and the bands’ website!
And coinciding with today’s release date, the band will launch an album length lyric video tonight (20:00 GMT+1 time) through the Layered Reality Productions YouTube channel which you can watch through the link below
The band’s singer and frontman Tom de Wit had the following to say about this release day:
“It’s been a ridiculous ride to finally arrive at this day and to see our album take flight into the music world. I don’t think any of us had anticipated the journey and adventures that this album has taken us on and I am beyond grateful and immensely proud of what we as a band have made of this album. This is only the first part of a multi-part concept and I feel that this is the start of something very beautiful indeed!”

It is not all celebratory however, as due to an unfortunate technical turn of events the album is not yet available on streaming services and both the band and ourselves (LRP) are waiting for the album to become available on those places.
And of course, as soon as we have the links to these streaming variants of the album, we will share them. So stay tuned for those! The rest however, will go as planned, so we hope to see you tonight at the premiere of the album length lyric video for “The First Tragedy Of Klahera” on our YouTube channel!
Join our watch party here:
Also, you can check out two music videos by the band through the links below